Sunday 30 July 2017

Fashion in the Tudor Era

              Ostentation was the hallmark of the Tudor Era

The richest materials were lavishly embroidered and studded with precious stones. Critics of the day complained that women walked about with the worth of two manors around their necks. Although it is difficult to make an accurate conversion where money is concerned, when a country manor could be built for £5,000 and two dresses could cost £1,500, this is easily understood, even by today's standards. The custom, back then, was to allow virgins to expose their breasts, so a great deal of jewellery was displayed. Married women were expected to be dressed more modestly.
Over a period of 118 years fashion altered. The fashion for women during Elizabeth 1's reign look extremely painful --- the whole torso was 'nipped in' and the bodices worn had the narrowest point almost on the pelvis. From hip to heel, skirts spread wide, held out by stiffly starched petticoats, or a wire cage called the farthingale.
Much of this particular fashion is seen in the numerous paintings of the time. Men's clothes were every bit as extravagant as the women's. Enormous sleeves and breeches stuffed with wood or bran, and the slightly obscene 'codpiece' which was often jewelled and even embroidered to draw attention to the wearer's viritlity, make the men of the Tudor Era really stand out in history. It was known that a man would pawn an estate in order to buy any eye-catching jewel --- for his cap !
    Tudor fashion stands out in English history !

Thursday 27 July 2017


When we hear the word "Tudor" we think of Henry V111, his six                                    wives and Hampton Court Palace.
We remember our History classes in school and the well-known pictures of this larger than life King of England. Such an exciting and 'different' time in history looked so appealing to us as children, but when we grow up and read the 'details' of how life really was in the Tudor Era, we see a different viewpoint. I ask myself : "could I have lived in the Tudor Era ? "
The Tudor Dynasty was in power from 1485 to 1603 and acquainted us with one of the most influential Queens we will ever have had in England --- Elizabeth 1 --- and although this Queen comes from the Tudor Dynasty, her power changed her own reign to eventually become known as the Elizabethan Era. So which Kings and Queens 'belong' to the Tudor Era ?
Establishing a stable monarchy after the War of the Roses, the Tudor monarchs influenced English history and English life, some of its affects we are still feeling and seeing today, hundreds of years later. The National Religion was changed at this time. The literature of the day survives down to our time today. The Personal lives of these monarchs fascinate us as we are allowed to indulge into their personal diaries. What food they ate, which clothes they wore and 'how' they lived their lives is all documented and written down for us to read and learn from. Again, we see the Rich and the Poor, the Master and the Servant, both living very different lives at the same time and often side by side. The Rich lived in comfort when compared to the Poor. I wonder how comfortable that was when compared to our lives today ?
The Tudor Dynasty produced five monarchs who riled during this period :

King Henry V11 --- 1485 - 1509
Henry Tudor was born at Pembroke Castle in 1457. He married Elizabeth of York in 1486 and they had several children, the most famous being Henry V111

Henry V111 --- 1509 - 1547
Prince Henry was born at Greenwich Palace in 1491. He married Katherine of Aragon in 1509 and they had several children. Only one survived, Mary, who lived to become Queen and reigned for five years. This first marriage of Henry V111 was annulled in 1533 and Henry married Anne Boleyn. They had several children but, again, only one survived, Elizabeth, who later became one of the best loved Queens of England, reigning for forty-one years. Anne Boleyn was executed for treason and Henry married Jane Seymour in 1536. The following year Jane died after giving Henry his much longed-for son. in 1540 Henry married Anne of Cleves but the marriage was annulled after six months. It is said the marriage was never consummated. In July of this same year, Henry married Katherine Howard, only to have her executed  two years later, again for treason. The next year, this King married Katherine Parr. His wife outlived Henry as the King died at Whitehall Palace in 1547. He was buried next to Jane Seymour, who gave him his only son. With six wives and three legitimate children, it is no wonder we know more about this Tudor King than any other.

Edward V1 --- 1547 - 1553
"What an King should England have had if God had given him his father's age."
Edward V1 was born Prince Edward at Hampton Court Palace. He was the only child of Jane Seymour and Henry V111. His reign was short but showed a turning point in the history of England's main religion. Edward V1 died at Greenwich in 1553. He was only sixteen years old.

Mary 1 --- 1553 - 1558
"A Queen, and by the same title a King."
Princess Mary was born at Greenwich Palace in 1516. She was the only living child of Queen Katherine of Aragon and King Henry V111. This Princess had a different childhood and upbringing, especially considering how many wives her father had. Mary came to the throne in 1553 and in her short reign, she left her mark, again within religion and although this Queen sis marry, she never had children. Mary1 died in 1558 and was buried in the Lady Chapel in Westminster Abbey.

Elizabeth 1 --- 1558 - 1603
"Time stands still gazing on her face."
Born at Greenwich Palace in 1533, Princess Elizabeth was born to Anne Boleyn and Henry V111. Like her half-sister Mary, Elizabeth's early life was extremely difficult. We cannot even begin to understand how this fragile Princess must have felt when she found out (or maybe was told) that her father had had her mother executed for treason. Yet all of these difficulties put strength into Elizabeth and this Princess became Elizabeth 1, one of England's best and well-known of Queens. A great deal changed England for the better during this Queen's reign and although she never married, history proves that this Queen could rule as well as any King. Elizabeth 1 died at Richmond Palace in 1603.

With these five monarchs, the Tudor Era became one of the most interesting Era's in the history of England. These monarchs lives and rules shaped life back then and we are lucky enough to have a great deal of information about this Era, how the rich and the poor lived and worked, the clothes and colours they wore, and even the types of food that was eaten and how they ate.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Buildings and Travelling

An amazingly visual way of telling, and, indeed, learning about Eras is to look at the buildings that surround us today. It is quite extraordinary how some of the medieval buildings have survived, and even those castles which are laid in ruins today, still have archways, walls and even staircases.
Like the pictures in the history books, we can learn so much from these very real "momentos" of the past. Today, we see the Tudor buildings, the Georgian houses, the Victorian palaces, the Elizabethan theatres and the Edwardian mansions. Living history for us to see and learn from. Living because many of these buildings are still being used today.

The various ways of travelling have only really changed in the last century. The horse and cart had always been used through the different Era's; it was just the 'cart' that may have changed shape and name. Of course, we still walk places today even though we have the fastest and most comfortable ways of travelling. And the only way to travel to another country was by boat --- from the Medieval to the Edwardian Eras. We still have boats today. We also have aeroplanes, cars, trains, buses, coaches and motor bikes. In fact, the list seems to go on and on. Some of these were started in the Victorian Era when trains and the underground were first built. The motorcar really came into its own during the Edwardian Era, even as the first aeroplanes were invented and "played" with. Travel today, is within the reach of nearly every person on Earth, both financially and physically.
So through the Era's, life has only improved, and we have learnt from the past which helps us with  living in and with the present.
"If you could choose an Era in which to live --- which Era would it be?

Friday 21 July 2017

"Madame Fashion"

"Madame Fashion" has changed her mind over the time of history.

The loose fitting dresses of the Medieval Era are not unlike ours today, but with one, unseen, difference. Today, we no longer wear the corset ! The corset back then was made of steel and went through various verities of materials --- whalebone finding itself in the Victorian Era. Today we wear the more comfortable bra, and some do not even wear that.

Dresses have always been long, sometimes wide, sometimes 'slim', but the Era we live in today is the first to see the shortest of dresses ever worn. Is there any point in putting "that" on ? And yet today we are far freer to be individuals and to dress as such. No one stares at anyone today because of the one simple fact --- nothing is out of place, all seems to be allowed. Women wear tailored trouser suits, and not just for work, and it is seen as acceptable. Women are no longer confined to the fashions of the past but are much freer to wear 'what they want.'

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Advances in Medicine and Education

                  Advances in Medicine are a marvel to watch !      
                                 Today, when a baby is born two months premature, it is more likely to survive because of these advances. No-one can deny the skill involved in a heart transplant or even in setting a broken limb. It is interesting to note that many of the herbs that were used in the older days, are still used today but in tablet form. Our ancestors knew a thing or two !

     A major subject that has noticeably changed during history is                                                       "Education" !
This was once only available for the super rich, Princes and Lords of the Realms, and usually only the sons of the family. The poor muddled along as best they could, handing down from father to son, mother to daughter. As girls were expected to marry and have children, it was felt that they did not need to be educated. Men ruled the world ! So the boys had the schooling. This attitude changed, however, just before the First World War, and so we have our Education system today, where boys and girls are schooled together in the same class room. Languages, sciences, technology, writing, reading, arithmetic and so on --- the subjects taught in the schools seems endless today. The future children have a good chance of a better life ahead of them !

Sunday 16 July 2017


                 "If I could choose an Era in which to live ---                 which Era would I choose ?"

A question I ask myself every time I open a history book and what is the answer ? Could you choose ? Here in England, every single Era has shaped our lives, influenced our thinking, making us who we are today ! 
Throughout world history from the very beginning of life, we have been lead to our lives today, no matter which country we live in. We have learnt from history, progressed in medicine until today we can save lives !
We can only learn from our human history.

From the Battle of Hastings to our dear Queen Elizabeth 11 today, we have seen fashion change, how we eat and what we eat, and even our every day way of living. Our very existence is beyond recognition.
Of course, the Two World Wars changed the course of history for every country on this Earth and the human race has never been the same, adapting and changing to and for Its world.

Each Era has changed us, instructing us, in how to live, how to change, and even in how to accept and adapt to the world we live in. As one Era closes and another opens up, we learn from the past and look forward to the future. Our skills change according to what we need in order to live. Medicine has advanced to save lives. Technology has taken over our lives. 

Fashion, especially for women, has changed completely as today we dress more for comfort than for "Madame Fashion" !

          So as we walk down the path of world history, which Era could you and I have lived in ?