Sunday 5 August 2018


Neferneferuaten Nefertiti (c.1370 - c.1330 BC) was an Egyptian Queen and the Great Royal Wife (Chief Consort) of Akhenaten, an Egyptian Pharaoh. Nefertiti and her husband were known for a religious revolution, in which they worshipped one God only, Aten, or the Sun disc.. With her husband, she reigned at what was arguably the wealthiest period of Ancient Egyptian history.
Nefertiti had many titles including = Hereditary Princess / Great of Praises / Lady of Grace / Sweet of Love / Lady of the Two Lands / Main King's Wife / His Beloved / Great King's Wife / Lady of all Women / Mistress of  Upper and Lower Egypt. (All information is from Wikipedia.)
Nefertiti was made famous by her bust, one of the most copied works of ancient Egypt, attributed to the sculpture Thutmose. This bust is notable for exemplifying the understanding Ancient Egyptians had regarding realistic facial proportions.
The exact dates when Nefertiti married Akhenaten and become the King's great Royal wife of Egypt are uncertain. Their six known daughters (and estimated years of birth) were =
Meritaten = no later than 1 year
Meketaten = year 4
Ankhesenpaaten = later Queen of Tutankhamun
Neferneferuaten Tasherit = year 8
Neferneferure = year 9
Setepenre = year 11
Little is known about the origins of Nefertiti, but her legacy of beauty and power continue to intrigue scholars today. Her Egyptian name means "a beautiful woman has come".
Nefertiti was perhaps one of the most powerful women ever to have ruled Egypt. Her husband went to great lengths to display her as an equal.

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