Sunday 1 October 2017


                                                "Could I have lived in the Georgian Era?"
I must admit that this is one Era I knew very little about, other than it produced Jane Austen. The research was interesting and, as I read book after book, it dawned on me how much this Era was a turning point in English history, and how some of the inventions and medical practices we start to recognize today. Unlike the Tudor and even the Elizabethans Eras, whose way of life was so far removed from our own, with the Georgian Era we start to see a way of life which started to resemble our own today. The way of life --- what people did  / ate / when they did things / even the clothes they wore --- started to change. There was still the great "Class" divide but it was starting to slowly change. A great deal of this change can be credited to the Kings who ruled at the time, especially King George 111 who was a very "modern thinking" King and who had the courage to carry out his convictions.

The Georgian Era covers from 1714 to 1830 --- The Hanoverian Kings --- King Georges 1 to 1V, and it often extended to include King William 1V who died in 1837. During this time there were changes in the Arts / Religion / Social Reform as well as Politics and Social Revolts. A very slow but very real movement towards life we know today.

King George 1              1660 - 1727
King George 11              1683 - 1760
King George 111            1738 - 1820
King George 1V                  1762 - 1830
King William 1V                  1765 - 1837
The throne was passed onto his niece --- Queen Victoria

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