Wednesday 11 October 2017

What Did The Georgians Eat ?

Most meals were still cooked on an open fire ot spit. However, towards the end of this Era, kitchen ranges came in, copper pans replaced clay cooking pots, china, silver and pewter was used for eating. Metal knives, forks and spoons came into general use and was affordable to all but the poorest classes.
Most people had an adequate diet as food was becoming more easily affordable as a lot of food was now being cultivated in England.

The upper classes had huge meals. Breakfasting around 10am, lunch was rarely taken, with Dinner being a grand affair --- 6pm in the countryside / 8pm in town --- plus a light supper. Roast beef and vegetables became popular. The new improved ranges and ovens allowed for more sophisticated cooking. For those who could afford it, the cooking became very "rich" with lots of butter, cream and eggs, but the portions did appear small.

At this time, sugar came into its own and was used in sweet and savoury dishes. Sugar became affordable and was starting to be used in drink also, for example, tea. Potted meat was preserved in sugar and extremely popular.
Spices also became popular --- nutmeg, cardamom, cloves and peppers. Nutmeg was expensive though and generally found in the kitchens of the wealthier classes. Potatoes and tomatoes were now being eaten. Fruit was used for jam-making, jam being first made in England in the 1730's. Chocolate was now popular, being drunk rather than being eaten.
Food presentation became very important and without the modern equipment we have today in our kitchens, it is amazing to see some of the creations presented at the Dinner table. Dinner was laid out as "a work of art."

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