Wednesday 24 January 2018

"MADAME FASHION" Introduction ch.1 A

"Madame Fashion" has made her mark on every Era, changing from one to the other, through history, even as the seasons change throughout the year. Where would we start? Which year? Which country?
From the very beginning of history, fashion has made its mark, whether worn for practical reasons or for sheer pleasure. The cloths have developed even as mankind has. The colours the same. Today, it seems every cloth and every colour is (and even every style) available. Yet we dress more for comfort and for practical reasons rather than "look at me"!

Many times throughout history, fashion was only worn by the very rich, partly because only they could afford it, but also because of certain Laws (back then) said that only Royalty and the nobles could wear certain cloths and colours. For example: in the Medieval Era, "Sumptuary Laws" passed by King Edward III restricted ordinary people in their expenditure including money spent on clothes. Only Royalty were allowed to wear cloth of gold and purple silk. Expensive veils were banned for the lower class women. Only the wives and daughters of nobles were allowed to wear velvet, satin sable or ermine.

And what of the styles? It seems that every Era has its own "Style". Medieval fashion changed with each King and Queen. The Tudor style is easily recognized, with the neck ruffs, wigs, codpiece, corset, kirtle. It is interesting that these clothes were usually held together with lace or pins as buttons were used only for decoration. This, of course, applied only to the rich. The poor did their best to stay modest with what clothes they could afford, make or hand-down. The cloth was usually woollen and the style simple and loose-fitting for warmth, comfort and was very practical, as many of these people were farmers, etc.

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