Sunday 28 January 2018

World War Two Heroes and Heroines

After watching "The Zookeepers Wife" and doing the research about Jan and Antonina Zabinski, my curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to know who else risked their lives to saves others. As expected, the list is endless and who to choose to research an impossible task --- all are worthy of recognition.

I have chosen just six to research and to try to bring to light the sheer "Determination" and "Courage" that was shown.
All of the research comes from Wikipedia.

Their names are :

Chiune Sugihara

Oskar Schindler

Henryk Slawik

Irena Sendler

Nancy Wake

Lena Kuchler.

These six people, just ordinary like you and me, and some very young, showed remarkable human feeling towards others less fortunate and risked, not just their own lives, but those of their families also. It is amazing how these same families supported and "Wanted" to do something to help. We can only learn from this Era in History of how fellow humans, some from a completely different culture and school of  thought, still wanted to and did save thousands of innocent lives --- no matter the language, culture, religious belief, etc.
                                                             We are all human first !

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