Saturday 27 January 2018

"MADAME FASHION" Introduction ch.1 B

The "Style" of the Georgian Era stands out as UNIQUE. From the ladies sackback day dress to the 'Robe a l'Anglaise' (English, mantua) to the amazing ball gowns, which were so wide that it was difficult to walk through a door, the women's clothes, cloths and colours stand out tremendously.

At this same time, the wigs worn, especially by the rich ladies, reached extremes never again seen! However, all of these styles were eventually tempered by the horrors of the French revolution when style changed completely to simple and pure.

Shoes we take for granted today, as we go to the shop to buy a new pair when needed. This, however, was not always the case. For example: in the Medieval Era, "Pattens" were worn over normal shoes and were wooden, or metal, and were held in place by leather or cloth bands. The word 'Patten' probably derives from the Old French 'Pate' meaning hoof or paw. These would elevate the foot above the mud and dirt, human and animal waste, in the street. These were worn by both men and women.

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